


All messages (snapshots, updates & ephemeral messages) are encrypted using an AEAD construction and the resulting ciphertext, nonce and public data is then hashed. The result of this hash is signed.

The public data of a message always contains the document ID in order to be able to verify that the message is for the correct document.


All messages use the AEAD xchacha20poly1305_ietf construction. The nonce is always public and must be included along with the ciphertext. In order to commit to one (plaintext, AAD) pair matching only one (ciphertext, authentication tag) pair every message to be encrypted is prefixed with 4 NUL bytes. After every decryption the prefix is verified and an error thrown in case it's not valid.

TODO: still needs to verified with a cryptographer if this technique and especially if 4 NUL bytes are sufficient read more here (opens in a new tab) and here (opens in a new tab)

While the AEAD construction already includes a MAC we additionally sign the data to verify its author. This is redundant and would not be necessary, but has been chosen to be able to rely on established constructions instead of implementing our own Signcryption like (opens in a new tab).

Hashing and Signing

The ciphertext, nonce and public data is hashed using the BLAKE2b hash function. The resulting hash is then signed using the Ed25519 signature scheme.

All messages are signed using the Ed25519 signature scheme.


A Snapshot consists of the

  • ciphertext
  • nonce
  • publicData
    • documentId
    • pubKey
    • snapshotId
    • parentSnapshotProof
    • parentSnapshotClocks: { [clientPublicKey]: clock }
  • signature

The parentSnapshotProof is a hash of the parent's ciphertext and the parents parentSnapshotProof. This allows to create a chain and verify if one snapshot is based on a previous one even if multiple snapshots have been in between.

The signature is a sigature of the canonicalize nonce string, ciphertext string and publicData encoded as URL safe base64 string.


parentSnapshotProof = hash(parentSnapshotProof of the prev snapshot, snapshotCiphertextHash)

Verify Snapshots

Verifying if the snapshot is based on a previous snapshot

In order to verify that a snapshot is based on a previous snapshot the following information is required:

  • ciphertext hash and parentSnapshotProof of all past snapshots to and including the known one (snapshotProofChain)
  • the new snapshot

It's the responsibility of the server to store the necessary information and allow a client to query the snapshotProofChain.

  1. client requests the document and provides the last known snapshot id
  2. server returns snapshot D and snapshotProofChain

To verify the hashes the client runs

b = hash(a, hash(ciphertextHash of B))
c = hash(b, hash(ciphertextHash of C))
d = hash(c, hash(ciphertextHash of D))
assert(d, hash of D)

In case d matches the hash of the current snapshot D the client verified that the server indeed returned a snapshot based on the already known snapshot.

Verifying that an update has been included into a snapshot

The main purpose is to verify that the server relayed my updates to the user that created the snapshot.

When creating a snapshot the publicData must contain a parentSnapshotClocks. In there the client should store the clocks it has been aware of, for others to verify later.


In addition to the document ID each update contains the ID of the snapshot it is based on. This allows the server and other clients to verify that the update is based on the correct snapshot.

An update consists of the

  • ciphertext
  • nonce
  • publicData
    • documentId
    • pubKey
    • snapshotId
    • counter
  • signature

The signature is a sigature of the concatinated nonce string, ciphertext string and publicData encoded as URL safe base64 string.

Ephemeral Upates

An ephemeral message must include the referecening document ID, snapshot ID and if available the referencing update ID from the source client. In addition a counter stored in the encrypted content is included to prevent replay attacks for the same session. Preventing replay attacks for new sessions is out of scope. It can be by storing the ephemeral message counter for each snapshot and update in a local database.

An update consists of the

  • ciphertext (containing the ephemeral message counter)
  • nonce
  • publicData
    • documentId
    • pubKey
    • snapshotId
    • updateId
  • signature

The signature is a sigature of the concatinated nonce string, ciphertext string and publicData encoded as URL safe base64 string.